Journal title | Pharmaciana |
Initials | Pharmaciana |
Abbreviation | Pharmaciana |
Frequency | 3 issues per year | March, July, and November |
DOI | Prefix 10.12928 |
ISSN | 2088-4559 (print) | 2477-0256 (online) |
Editor-in-chief | Prof.Dr. apt. Nurkhasanah Mahfudh, M.Si |
Publisher | Universitas Ahmad Dahlan |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar |
Pharmaciana is indexed in google scholar, ACI (Asean Citation Index), Dimension (Crossreff), Garuda, Sinta, Sherpa Romeo, Index Copernicus International, DOAJ, and BASE. Pharmaciana is accredited by DIKTI (DGHE) of Indonesia No. 105/E/KPT/2022 April 07, 2022
Article publication charge Starting from 2022, the article publication charge of Pharmaciana Will be IDR 1,200,000. Beside the publication fee, authors also have to pay the proofreading cost which will be charged depend on the number of page |
Posted: 2022-01-24 | |
Regarding the huge of manuscripts submitted to Pharmaciana, Pharmaciana will add the number of publication frequency. Starting from 2020, Pharmaciana will published three times a year. The period of published were March, July and November.
Posted: 2020-02-21 | |
Starting in May 2018 edition, the article will be published in English. Therefore, the author should submit articles in English. The author may also submit articles in Indonesian, but will be charged translations in accordance with terms and conditions. For more information, don't hesitate to ask us if you have any questions. Please contact at |
Posted: 2017-10-28 | |
Pharmaciana Journal Call for Paper |
Authors are invited to submit electronically no more than 12 pages full paper through journal website. The submitted paper should follow the format available on the journal template. The scopes of accepted papers are: Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Drug Delivery System, Physical Pharmacy, Chemical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmacokinetics, , Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Biology, Community and Clinical Pharmacy, Regulatory Affairs and Pharmaceutical Marketing Research, and Alternative Medicines. |
Posted: 2016-03-22 | |
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Vol 14, No 2 (2024): Pharmaciana
Table of Contents
Study of kinetic and adsorption isotherm of ibuprofen on mcm-41 synthesized with rice husk | |
Olyvia Azzahra Putri Hartono, Frida Octavia Purnomo, Dyah Ayuwati Waluyo, Tunas Alam, Mohammad Jihad Madiabu | 108-120 |
Controlled release kinetics of furosemide from chitosan matrix tablets with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate coated | |
Samran Samran, Suprianto Suprianto, Sumardi Sumardi, Ahmad Hafizullah Ritonga, Melati Yulia Kusumastuti | 121-132 |
Inhibition breast carcinogenesis via PI3K/AKT pathway using bioactive compounds of Strychnine tree (Strychnos nux-vomica): in silico study | |
Aulia Ayu Rispriandari, Sarmoko Sarmoko, Joko Setyono, Sindhu Wisesa | 133-146 |
Antioxidant, analgetic, and anti-inflammatory activity test of purple leaf ethanol extract (Graptophyllum pictum L. Griff) in vitro and in vivo | |
Sisca Ocvinta, Niluh Puspita Dewi, Indah Kurnia Utami, Darmayanti Darmayanti, Syafika Alaydrus, Wawang Anwarudin | 147-156 |
Acute toxicity of the intranasal administration of Anredera cordifolia extract in Wistar Rats | |
Asti Widuri, Rifki Febriansah | 157-163 |
Demographics, knowledge, and attitudes toward fe supplementation for stunting prevention at public health center, Ciamis-Indonesia | |
Andriana Sari, Reni Meyleni | 164-172 |
Antibacterial activity of guava leaf ethanolic extract (Psidium guajava L.) nanosuspension against Escherichia coli bacteria | |
Lusi Nurdianti, Anna Yuliana, Euis Raras, Fajar Setiawan, Winda Trisna Wulandari, Ardianes Firmansya | 173-182 |
The effect of syrup simplex concentration on the physicochemical stability of Gembili’s inulin (Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkill) nanosilver colloid | |
Dian Eka Ermawati, Yavi Hanuriansyah | 183-194 |
In-vivo study of oleic acid and tween-80 on patch transdermal A.paniculata as anti-diabetic | |
Iis Wahyuningsih, Nur Aini Fadilah, Wahyu Widyaningsih | 195-208 |
Effects of Piper crocatum leaf extract-based ointments on bacteria associated with diabetic ulcers: an in vitro study | |
Yudha Rizky Nuari, Mila Abusri, Wahyu Yuntari, Oca Maharani Tryadi, Fiarriescha Marra Ardhiana | 209-219 |
The effect of recompression and concentration of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) K-30 on the quality of paracetamol tablets | |
Agatha Budi Susiana Lestari, Desak Made Rachel Angelina | 220-232 |
Phytochemical and antibacterial analyses of essential oils extracted from the leaves of Euodia suaveolens scheff | |
Boy Rahardjo Sidharta, Patricius Kianto Atmodjo | 233-241 |
The Optimation of Fermentation Time, Antibacterial Activity and Profiling Secondary Metabolite of Symbiont Fungi from Sponge Gelliodes fibulata | |
Siska Rusmalina, Mahfur Mahfur, Nunung Hasanah, Mochamad Ardy Wiyono, Nonik Nur Ekayanti, Jacinda Caroline Nathania | 242-250 |
Ethanol-based solvent system for recovery antioxidant activity Centella asiatica L. Urban and its application in sleep-deprived Rats | |
Sri Wardatun, Trirakhma Sofihidayati, Nida Afifah, Juju Juhroh | 251-259 |
The antiviral activity of Laportea decumana methanolic extract against NDV virus | |
Albert Tee, Duc Khiem Pho, Musung Anastasia Beatrix, Wijaya Dorothy, Richard Sutejo | 260-266 |