The Effect of Learning Trajectory with the Context of Congklak Traditional Game and Self-Efficacy on Mathematical Reasoning Ability in Statistics Subject

Nabila Uristu Al Firdaus, Budi Usodo


Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) is a learning approach that emphasizes using learning trajectory in its learning design. RME learning is based on real contexts or situations that learners experience or know. Learners use a context or real situation to discover or construct their own informal math concepts, and then learners connect informal math with formal math. The purpose ofthis research is to find out the effect of a learning trajectory in the context of traditional congklak games and self-efficacy on mathematical reasoning ability in statistics subject. This study is a pseudo experimental study with 2x3 factorial design. The population in this study were all learners in VIII gradeof SMP Negeri 2 Wonogiri in the academic year 2022/2023. The samples used were learners from two classes taken by cluster random sampling technique. The data collection techniques used were documentation, a self-efficacy questionnaire, and a mathematical reasoning test. The data analysistechnique used in this study is a two-way analysis of variance with unequal sample sizes. The results of the hypothesis testing concluded that (1) the mathematical reasoning ability of learners taught using RME-based learning trajectory with the context of the traditional congklak game was better thanlearners taught using direct learning in statistics subject; (2) learners with high self-efficacy have bettermathematical reasoning a bilities than students with moderate and low self-efficacy. Meanwhile, learners with moderate self-efficacy have better mathematical reasoning abilities than learners with low self-efficacy; (3) there was no significant interaction between the treatment and self-efficacy on learners’ mathematical reasoning abilities


Learning Trajectory; Realistic Mathematics Education; Self-efficacy; Statistics


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