Modern Ethnomathematics Mainstreaming through Mathematics Entrepreneurship Using Mathematical Ornaments

Hanna Arini Parhusip, Hindriyanto Dwi Purnomo, Didit Budi Nugroho, Istiarsi Saptuti Sri Sri Kawuryan


Modern ethnomathematics is proposed in this article by introducing curves and surfaces to objects based on commonly used mathematics. There are 2 types of objects, batik and ornament. The object is known as Batima, which means a mathematical motif made in a batik stamp. The same design can be used to design ornaments, souvenirs, accessories or other household items such as glasses, t-shirts and other materials. The formation of ethnomathematics is driven by entrepreneurial activities. The method starts with the expansion of the circular and spherical equations based on the variation of the power form which was originally 2 in the equation to be valued at random (say p). The other used equations are parametric equations, especially the hypocycloid which is extended to both curves and surfaces with spherical coordinates. In addition, derivative operators can be applied. Product manufacturing is carried out by at least 10 household businesses around Salatiga and Jogjakarta and its surroundings. In order to sustain the mainstreaming of modern ethnomathematics, entrepreneurial activities are carried out with existing materials through exhibitions and competitions that are followed. Likewise, the use of social media and marketplaces are explored to mainstream the modern ethnomathematics into society.


ethnomathematics; entrepreneurship; parametric equations; spherical coordinates; hypocycloid.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Hanna Arini Parhusip, Hindriyanto Dwi Purnomo, Didit Budi Nugroho, Istiarsi Saptuti Sri Sri Kawuryan

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