Kontribusi asesmen formatif dalam tahapan understanding by design terhadap pemahaman mahasiswa calon guru biologi

Ria Yulia Gloria, Sudarmin Sudarmin


Paradigma pembelajaran saat ini telah berubah dari berpusat pada guru menjadi berpusat pada siswa. Hal ini sejalan dengan tuntutan keterampilan abad-21, oleh karena itu diperlukan pembelajaran yang melatih keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi seperti pemahaman. Saat ini masih terdapat pembelajaran yang tidak mendorong kearah terbentuknya pemahaman mahasiswa, selain itu proses penilaian yang dilakukan masih berorientasi pada nilai akhir yang tidak autentik. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan asesmen formatif, yaitu penilaian yang memiliki tiga komponen yang diperlukan yaitu umpan balik (feedback), penilaian sejawat (peer-assessment), dan penilaian diri sendiri (self-assessment) yang bertujuan membentuk pemahaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi dan kontribusi asesmen formatif melalui UbD (Understanding by Design) dengan pemahaman mahasiswa. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa calon guru Biologi. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan korelasi kuantitatif, untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengukur serta mengetahui derajat keterkaitan antara dua variabel. Uji statistik yang dilakukan adalah uji korelasi dan regresi. Penelitian menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara semua komponen asesmen formatif melalui UbD dengan pemahaman mahasiswa. Hasil uji regresi dihasilkan R2 = 0,547. menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengaruh komponen asesmen formatif yaitu feedback, peer-assessment, dan self-assessment terhadap pemahaman UbD mahasiswa sebesar 54,7%.

The contribution of formative assessment with the stages of understanding by design (UbD) to the understanding of prospective biology teachers. Todays learning process puts the students as the subject, or in other words, it is student centered in which teachers are only as facilitators. This is in line with the demanded skills of the 21st-century, in which learning is required to train students to have high-level thinking skills such as understanding. However there are still many learning activities that do not lead to the formation of students understanding. Besides that the assessment process is still oriented at the final score/grade that is not authentic. A formative assessment, an assessment that has three required components: feedback, peer assessment, and self assessment, is therefore required. This assessment is expected to form an understanding. This study aims to determine the correlation and contribution of formative assessment through UbD to the understanding of the students. Participants in this study were students of prospective Biology teachers. The study used quantitative correlation design to describe and measure, and know the degree of linkage between the two variables. The statistical test performed was correlation and regression test. The study concludes that there is a correlation between all components of the formative assessment through UbD with students understanding. Regression test result yielded R2 = 0.547 which means that the level of influence of the components of the formative assessment i.e. feedback, peer assessment, and self assessment on the students' understanding is 54.7%.


Asesmen formatif; Understanding by design; Pemahaman

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26555/bioedukatika.v6i2.9507


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Organized by Department of Biology Education
Published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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