About the Journal

Initials JB
Abbreviation J. Bioedukatika
Frequency 3 issues per year
(February, June, and October)
DOI prefix 10.26555
Print ISSN 2338-6630
Online ISSN 2541-5646
Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Trianik Widyaningrum, M.Si.
Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Citation Analysis Google scholar | SINTA

JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA is a scientific journal managed by Biology Education Department, and Universitas Ahmad Dahlan is a publisher. This journal is set as a national journal accredited with a grade on level SINTA 2 by the Indonesian government.
JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA is published three times a year (February, June, and October), focusing on field biology education. Scope covering is a Curriculum to studies biology, teaching and learning biology, media for learning biology, assessment teaching biology, and biology learning resources. But scope does not include coverage of biology education in elementary school, which is preferred in Senior high school, university, and society. Article published is the results of research and systematic literature review. Manuscripts that do not follow the scope and are not in the English version can not be processed and published. We also discourage manuscripts written by a single author.

Current Issue

Vol. 13 No. 1 (2025)
Published: 2025-03-20
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