Table of Contents
Knowledge, Perceived Self-care Ability, and Health Behavior in New Normal Era among Adults in Congested Communities of Surabaya, Indonesia: Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic Situation | |
Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Jintana Artsanthia | 517-530 |
The Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Treatment Process (Compact): Adaptation of The Indonesian Version | |
Gitta Suganda, Fitri Ariyanti Abidin | 531-549 |
Confirmatory Factor Analysis on Educational Employees Engagement (Structural Equation Modeling Analysis) | |
Fatwa Tentama, Subardjo Subardjo | 550-566 |
Antecedent of Father Involvement: A Literature Review | |
Ersa Lanang Sanjaya, Dewi Retno Suminar, Nur Ainy Fardana | 567-587 |
Understanding the Issues of Coparenting in Indonesia | |
Jenny Lukito Setiawan, Jessica Christina Widhigdo, Amanda Teonata, Lisa Indriati, Mychael Maoeretz Engel | 588-607 |
Exploring the Role of Theory of Planned Behavior on Covid-19 Vaccination Intention | |
Zaid Zaid, Arundati Shinta, Mahbub Pasca Al Bahy | 608-624 |
Meta Analysis of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Reducing Child Sexual Behaviour in Sexually Abused Children | |
Andini Damayanti, Ike Herdiana, Ilham Nur Alfian, Rahkman Ardi | 625-638 |
Millennial’s Leadership Development: A Systematic Literature Review | |
Irwan Dewanto, Donald Crestofel Lantu, Achmad Fajar Hendarman, Agung Wicaksono | 639-668 |
Psychological Well-Being Influenced by Self-Compassion and Loneliness among Overseas Students in Jakarta | |
Misykat Malik Ibrahim, Anisia Kumala Masyhadi, Eka Damayanti, Mukjizah Mukhtar Lutfi | 669-683 |
Social Support and Parenting Stress During the Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Yunisah Yunisah, Rizky Putri Amalia, Ananda Rainy Akram, Marisa Fransiska Moeliono, Fitri Ariyanti Abidin | 684-697 |