Design of Application Framework for Vital Monitoring Mobile-Based System




Application Framework, Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis, Vital Sign Monitoring, Mobile Application, Hot Spots


In the realm of modern healthcare, continuous monitoring can leverage the affordable wearable devices available on the market to manage costs. However, these devices face several limitations, such as restricted access for other parties, including nurses and doctors, and the need for redevelopment to integrate new devices for data accessibility. This study addresses these challenges by establish an application framework tailored for mobile-based systems, by ensuring accessibility by external parties. The research contribution is encompassing two key aspects: the potential implementation of Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) in the domain of mobile-based vital sign monitoring, particularly in the absence of prior studies addressing the same context, and the identification reusable (frozen spots) and adaptable components (hot spots), providing guidance for the development of mobile-based vital sign monitoring. FODA is utilized during the analysis activity. Design patterns are then implemented when creating class diagrams in the design activity. This study finding reveal 7 primary features and 18 sub-features essential that must be incorporated into the application framework. The framework includes 5 hot spots and 7 frozen spots, with the implementation of Strategy and Filter design patterns. In conclusion, the developed application framework represents a significant advancement in vital sign monitoring, particularly within mobile-based systems. This study emphasizing limitations in analysis and design phases. In future research, the focus will shift to the construction and stabilization phases, all crucial for refining the framework. Implementing framework in actual applications can aid in developing vital sign monitoring systems and potentially improving healthcare outcomes.


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How to Cite

M. Rizky Ananda, M. R. Faisal, R. Herteno, R. A. Nugroho, and F. Abadi, “Design of Application Framework for Vital Monitoring Mobile-Based System”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 252–264, Jun. 2024.




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