After being founded in 2015, the journal has been indexed in some databases such as GOOGLE Scholar, GARUDA (Digital National Library), Bielefeld Search Engine (BASE), Dimensions, WorldCat, Crossref Search, One Search (National Library of Indonesia), Moraref (Religious Ministry of Indonesia), etc.
In 2016, JITEKI was accredited by the National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA), managed by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI), Republic Indonesia, with Fourth Grade (SINTA 4) according to decree No. 21/E/KPT/2018.
In 2020, JITEKI was reaccredited and reached Second Grade (SINTA 2) according to decree No. 200/M/KPT/2020 by the National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) managed by the Ministry of Research, and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency (RISTEK/BRIN), Republic Indonesia.
JITEKI Journal history and achievement each year can be seen as follow.
- Firstly publish an issue
- This year JITEKI journal only publishes one issue
- Publish with Bahasa Indonesia language
- Indexed by Google Scholar
- Publish two issues a year in June and December
- Get fourth-grade Sinta (Sinta 4) accreditation
- Indexed by Dimensions
- Indexed by Garuda
- Publish issue with more than 2 institutions to be National Journal
- Full English published article
- Firstly cited by Scopus Conference
- Publish 50 articles
- Publish issue with more than 2 countries to be International Journal
- Firstly cited by Scopus Journal
- Get second-grade Sinta (Sinta 2) accreditation
- Publish three issues a year in April, August, and December
- Publish 100 articles
- Publish three issues a year in April, August, and December
- Publish 200 article
- Resubmit to Scopus
- Sign contract with EBSCO Host