Efficient MAC Adaptive Protocol on Wireless Sensor Network





Sensor, Network, Lifetime, Efficient, Energy


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have attracted a lot of attention from the research community and industry in recent years. WSNs maintenance associated with battery replacement can increase system operating costs, especially for wireless sensor networks located in hard-to-reach and dangerous places. In this study, an adaptive Medium Access Control (MAC) is proposed that can regulate the period of data acquisition and transmission. In contrast to conventional MAC, the applied adaptive MAC regulates the data transmission period based on the estimated energy use in the previous cycle. This study focuses on comparing energy efficiency between conventional and adaptive MAC. Energy usage information is retrieved directly on the sensor node. In star topology, the proposed MAC can increase the lifetime of the sensor network up to 6.67% in a star topology. In the hierarchical topology, the proposed MAC can increase network energy efficiency up to 9.17%. The resulting increase in network throughput is 17.73% for the Star network and 33.81% for the Hierarchy network. The star topology without implementing adaptive MAC has the lowest throughput of 0.188 kb/s. The highest throughput is achieved by a hierarchical topology that applies MAC with a throughput of 2.157 kb/s.


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How to Cite

A. Firmansah, A. Aripriharta, and S. Sujito, “Efficient MAC Adaptive Protocol on Wireless Sensor Network”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 388–401, Dec. 2021.




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