Mental Health Helper: Intelligent Mobile Apps in the Pandemic Era


  • Anggunmeka Luhur Prasasti Telkom University
  • Iftitahrira Aulia Rahmi Telkom University
  • Syarifah Faisa Nurahmani Telkom University
  • Ashri Dinimaharawati Telkom University



Mental Health, Artificial Intelligence, Expert System, Mobile Application


Every human being faces various episodes of events that can cause changes in mental health conditions, including this coronavirus pandemic disease. The ups and downs of the psychological turmoil dynamics resulted, and also traumatic feelings can occur continuously or for a certain period. It can cause an adverse response for those who experience it and even cause anxiety or mental disorders. The implementation of restrictions on community activities during these pandemic circumstances makes people who want to check their mental health condition difficult to meet the experts or professionals such as psychologists. Therefore, the application that can detect these anxiety disorders as early as possible to minimize unwanted effects was developed. In the making of the application, an expert system is used to determine the results of the diagnosis. The expert system requires knowledge that is produced from experts, especially in the psychology field. The data that has been obtained will be processed and then yield the results determined from the classification of anxiety types using several methods in Artificial Intelligence. Several tests were carried out 50 times using Certainty Factor methods to obtain an accuracy rate of 96%. It has similar accuracy compared to the Naïve Bayes method. This application called Mental Health Helper has a validity and reliability test to prove that this application is valid and reliable. It has better performance than previous researches, which still only has two classes of diseases.

Author Biographies

Anggunmeka Luhur Prasasti, Telkom University

Anggunmeka Luhur Prasasti (born in Pasuruan, 1990) received her Engineering degree in Telecommunication Engineering from Telkom Institute of Technology (Telkom University) in 2012. She obtained her master degree in Biomedical Engineering Program, from School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung on 2015. Her current research interests are artificial intelligent in signal processing and machine learning implementation to detect any kind of diseases, forecast condition such as rain possibility, and crowd density in an area. She's used to compete several international IT competitions such as Microsoft Imagine Cup and Asia Pacific ICT Awards, to name a few. She could be reached through

Iftitahrira Aulia Rahmi, Telkom University

Iftitahrira Aulia Rahmi (born in Kisaran, 1999) received her Engineering degree in Computer Engineering from Telkom University in 2021. Her final project in bachelor degree is was about expert systems. She concern about learning more things about expert systems and design UI/UX. She could be reached through email:

Syarifah Faisa Nurahmani, Telkom University

Syarifah Faisa Nurahmani was born on November 18th 1999 in Jakarta. She graduated from Telkom University with a Bachelor Degree of Computer Engineering this year. Her final project was about android application development and expert system. She wants to learn more about application development and artificial intelegence. Email:

Ashri Dinimaharawati, Telkom University

Ashri Dinimaharawati (born in Bandung, 1993) received her Education degree in Computer Science Education from Indonesia University of Education in 2015. She obtained her master degree in Electrical Engineering , from School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung on 2018. Her current research interests are  games development and programming. She's used to compete several national competition such as Line dev competition . She could be reached through


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How to Cite

A. L. Prasasti, I. A. Rahmi, S. F. Nurahmani, and A. Dinimaharawati, “Mental Health Helper: Intelligent Mobile Apps in the Pandemic Era”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 479–490, Jan. 2022.




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