New Hybrid Deep Learning Method to Recognize Human Action from Video


  • Md Shofiqul Islam Faculty of Computing, FSKKP,UMP,Gambag,Kuantan,Pahang,Malaysia.
  • Sunjida Sultana Faculty of CSE at Islamic University, Kushtia
  • Md Jabbarul Islam Faulty of Mathematics at National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.



Video Classification, 3D, Deep learning, Video, Video action, Convolution.


There has been a tremendous increase in internet users and enough bandwidth in recent years. Because Internet connectivity is so inexpensive, information sharing (text, audio, and video) has become more popular and faster. This video content must be examined in order to classify it for different purposes for users. Several machine learning approaches for video classification have been developed to save users time and energy. The use of deep neural networks to recognize human behavior has become a popular issue in recent years. Although significant progress has been made in the field of video recognition, there are still numerous challenges in the realm of video to be overcome. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are well-known for requiring a fixed-size image input, which limits the network topology and reduces identification accuracy. Despite the fact that this problem has been solved in the world of photos, it has yet to be solved in the area of video. We present a ten stacked three-dimensional (3D) convolutional network based on the spatial pyramid-based pooling to handle the input problem of fixed size video frames in video recognition. The network structure is made up of three sections, as the name suggests: a ten-layer stacked 3DCNN, DenseNet, and SPPNet. A KTH dataset was used to test our algorithms. The experimental findings showed that our model outperformed existing models in the area of video-based behavior identification by 2% margin accuracy.

Author Biographies

Md Shofiqul Islam, Faculty of Computing, FSKKP,UMP,Gambag,Kuantan,Pahang,Malaysia.

I am Md Shofiqul Islam, I have complete my B.Sc from Islamic University,Kushtia,Bangladesh. Now i ma a research assistant at University Malaysia Pahang(UMP), I am a teacher at ADUST university ,Dhaka. I am in teaching profession since 2015. My research field are: Deep learning, Machine learning, Natural Language Processing, Image Processing. I have published a lot fo papers in my field.

Sunjida Sultana, Faculty of CSE at Islamic University, Kushtia

Sunjida Sultana, she is completing master’s degree and completed bachelor’s degrees from the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia-7600, Bangladesh. She is working in the field of image processing, video processing and text processing. Her email is

Md Jabbarul Islam, Faulty of Mathematics at National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.

Md Jabbarul Islam, he has completing bachelor’s degrees from the department of Mathematics, National University Gazipur-1704, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is doing his research work in the field of Graph theory, Statistics, Machine learning, image processing, video processing and text processing. His email is


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How to Cite

M. S. Islam, S. Sultana, and M. J. Islam, “New Hybrid Deep Learning Method to Recognize Human Action from Video”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 306–313, Sep. 2021.




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