A review on Video Classification with Methods, Findings, Performance, Challenges, Limitations and Future Work


  • Md Shofiqul Islam Faculty of Soft computing, FSKKP, UMP, Gambag, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.
  • Sunjida Sultana Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia-7600, Bangladesh.
  • Uttam Kumar Roy Assistant Programmer at Bangladesh Bank, Bangladesh.
  • Jubayer Al Mahmud Senior Software Engineer at Charja Solutions Limited, Dhaka,Bangladesh.




Video Classification, Machine learning, Deep learning, Video, Video classification


In recent years, there has been a rapid development in web users and sufficient bandwidth. Internet connectivity, which is so low cost, makes the sharing of information (text, audio, and videos) more common and faster. This video content needs to be analyzed for prediction it classes in different purpose for the users. Many machines learning approach has been developed for the classification of video to save people time and energy. There are a lot of existing review papers on video classification, but they have some limitations such as limitation of the analysis, badly structured, not mention research gaps or findings, not clearly describe advantages, disadvantages, and future work. But our review paper almost overcomes these limitations. This study attempts to review existing video-classification procedures and to examine the existing methods of video-classification comparatively and critically and to recommend the most effective and productive process. First of all, our analysis examines the classification of videos with taxonomical details, the latest application, process, and datasets information. Secondly, overall inconvenience, difficulties, shortcomings and potential work, data, performance measurements with the related recent relation in science, deep learning, and the model of machine learning. Study on video classification systems using their tools, benefits, drawbacks, as well as other features to compare the techniques they have used also constitutes a key task of this review. Lastly, we also present a quick summary table based on selected features. In terms of precision and independence extraction functions, the RNN (Recurrent Neural Network), CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and combination approach performs better than the CNN dependent method.

Author Biographies

Md Shofiqul Islam, Faculty of Soft computing, FSKKP, UMP, Gambag, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.

Md Shofiqul Islam, Currently, he is doing Masters (Research-based), a student at University Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Pahang, Malaysia, He have completed my B. Sc. in 2014 in CSE from Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh. Now he is a research assistant at University Malaysia Pahang (UMP), He is also a teacher at CSE under the faculty of FST at ADUST university, Dhaka. He is also in the teaching profession since 2015. His research field is Deep learning, Machine learning, Natural Language Processing, Image Processing. He has published a lot of papers in his field. 

Sunjida Sultana, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia-7600, Bangladesh.

Shanjida Sultana, she is completing a master’s degree and completed a bachelor’s degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia-7600, Bangladesh. She is working in the field of image processing, video processing, and text processing. 

Uttam Kumar Roy, Assistant Programmer at Bangladesh Bank, Bangladesh.

Uttam Kumar Roy, he has completed bachelor's and master’s degrees from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia-7600, Bangladesh. Now he is working as Assistant Programmer at Bangladesh Bank-The Central Bank of Bangladesh. Head Office, Motijheel Commercial Area, PO Box 325, Dhaka 1000. He is also doing his research work in the field of Machine learning, image processing, video processing, and text processing. 

Jubayer Al Mahmud, Senior Software Engineer at Charja Solutions Limited, Dhaka,Bangladesh.

Jubayer Al Mahmud, he has completed master's and bachelor’s degrees from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia-7600, Bangladesh. Now he is working as Senior Software Engineer at Charja Solutions Limited,129-Kha/1, Elephant Road, New Market, Dhaka-1205. He is also doing his research work in the field of Machine learning, IoT, image processing, video processing, and text processing.


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How to Cite

M. S. Islam, S. Sultana, U. K. Roy, and J. A. Mahmud, “A review on Video Classification with Methods, Findings, Performance, Challenges, Limitations and Future Work”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 47–57, Jan. 2021.




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