Optimizing South Kalimantan Food Image Classification Through CNN Fine-Tuning





CNN, Fine-Tuning, Image Classification, Traditional Food, South Kalimantan


South Kalimantan's rich culinary heritage encompasses numerous traditional dishes that remain unfamiliar to visitors and digital platforms. While Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have demonstrated remarkable success in image classification tasks, their application to regional cuisine faces unique challenges, particularly when dealing with limited datasets and visually similar dishes. This study addresses these challenges by evaluating and optimizing two pre-trained CNN architectures—EfficientNetB0 and InceptionV3—for South Kalimantan food classification. Using a custom dataset of 1,000 images spanning 10 traditional dishes, we investigated various fine-tuning strategies to maximize classification accuracy. Our results show that EfficientNetB0, with 30 fine-tuned layers, achieves the highest accuracy at 94.50%, while InceptionV3 reaches 92.00% accuracy with 40 layers fine-tuned. These findings suggest that EfficientNetB0 is particularly effective for classifying regional foods with limited data, outperforming InceptionV3 in this context. This study provides a framework for efficiently applying CNN models to small, specialized datasets, contributing to both the digital preservation of South Kalimantan’s culinary heritage and advancements in regional food classification. This research also opens the way for further research that can be applied to other less documented regional cuisines. The framework presented can be used as a reference for developing automated classification systems in a broader cultural context, thus enriching the digital documentation of traditional cuisines and preserving the culinary diversity of the archipelago for future generations.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Ridha Maulidi, Fatma Indriani, Andi Farmadi, Irwan Budiman, and Dwi Kartini, “Optimizing South Kalimantan Food Image Classification Through CNN Fine-Tuning”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 897–913, Jan. 2025.




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