Improving Students’ Visual Representation and Conceptual Understanding to Overcome Learning Difficulties in Geometry Using GeoGebra




Conceptual Understanding, GeoGebra, Geometry, Visual Representation, Vector Operations


This study investigates the impact of using GeoGebra, a dynamic geometry software, to enhance students’ visual representation and conceptual understanding of Geometry, mainly focusing on vector concepts. The study involved 168 tenth-grade students in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The research used a quasi-experimental design with control and experimental groups. The experimental group received instruction with GeoGebra, while the control group followed traditional methods. Data from pre-test and post-tests were analysed using descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U tests, and N-Gain scores. The results showed that the GeoGebra group had significantly higher N-Gain scores, indicating improved comprehension and problem-solving skills. The study suggests integrating dynamic geometry software into the curriculum to provide a more interactive learning experience and improve learning in Geometry.


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How to Cite

Sieng, V., & Thai, H. (2024). Improving Students’ Visual Representation and Conceptual Understanding to Overcome Learning Difficulties in Geometry Using GeoGebra. International Journal on Emerging Mathematics Education, 8(2), 91–104.