International Conference: ICW-TELKOMNIKA 2018

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International Conference and Workshop on Telecommunication, Computing, Electrical, Electronics and Control (ICW-TELKOMNIKA) is annual international conference where all experts from home and abroad come together to present their latest works and share new ideas & visions for achieving the future telecommunication, computing, electrical, electronics and control for living a better life. 2018 ICW-TELKOMNIKA will be held on September 18-21, 2018 at Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This conference is hosted by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and organized by TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control (Scopus indexed journal). 

This year’s conference theme is "Industry 4.0 Virtual, Augmented & Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interactions (VAM-HRI) in Smart Service Systems: Present Findings & Future Directions for Living A Better Life". Industry 4.0 represents the fourth industrial revolution in manufacturing and industry which is the current industrial transformation with automation, data exchanges, cloud, cyber-physical systems, advanced robots & cobots, big data, virtual & augmented reality, edge computing, artificial intelligence, Internet of Thing and (semi-)autonomous industrial techniques to realize smart industry and manufacturing goals in the intersection of people, new technologies and innovation.

All presented papers in this conference (after revisions based upon feedback at the conference & workshop, if necessary) will be published in the TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control (Scopus indexed journal, SNIP: 0.822, CiteScore: 0.75, SJR: 0.250, Q3).


  • Sep 18, 2018 (08.00-21.00): International Conference-Keynote Speeches and Parallel Sessions
  • Sep 19, 2018 (08.00-11.45): International Conference (cont.)
  • Sep 19, 2018 (13.00-17.00): Tutorial on Humanoid Robot (Prof. Nadia Magnenat Thalmann), Virtual Reality (Prof. Daniel Thalmann) and Intelligent Autonomous Systems (Prof. Er Meng Joo)
  • Sep 19, 2018 (18.00-21.30): Award Ceremony Program and Gala Dinner
  • Sep 20, 2018 (08.00-16.00): 2018 6th Scientific Writing Workshop on TELKOMNIKA Editors and Authors Meeting (TEAM)
  • Sep 21, 2018: One Day Tour Yogyakarta (optional) - Tour to Yogyakarta and vicinity visiting Sultan's Palace or Kraton, Taman Sari Water Castle, Borobudur and Prambanan Temples

Keynote Speakers


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Dr.-Ing Ilham Akbar Habibie

CEO/President Director
PT. Ilthabi Rekatama


Professor École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 

Prof. Dr. Nadia Magnenat Thalmann

Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore,
and University of Geneva (Switzerland)


Prof. Dr. Er Meng Joo

Nanyang Technological University (NTU),