Vol 11, No 3 (2021)


Table of Contents

Topical anti-inflammatory effect of Ekor Naga (Rhaphidophora pinnata (L.f) Schott) leaves extract PDF
Bernike Anatasya, Fathnur Sani K, Muhaimin Muhaimin 303-311
The effect of Raphanus sativus and Pachyrhizus erosus juice combination on the ethanol-induced gastric of mice PDF
Reza Pertiwi, Aanisah Hanuun, Noval Kurniawati, Petri Siti Khodijah, Dian Fita Lestari, Dyah Fitriani, Doni Notriawan 312-320
Incision wound healing activity of free-range chicken (Gallus domesticus) egg white gel in mice PDF
Wahyu Widyaningsih, Sapto Yuliani, Ayu Wulandari, Rifka Salsabila 321-329
Cost-effectiveness analysis of antiemetics therapy in breast cancer patients with moderate emetogenic chemotherapy in Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospital, Indonesia PDF
Ida Dzikriyani, Didik Setiawan 330-337
Identification of SNP rs1799854 ABCC8 gene and blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus at Moewardi hospital Surakarta Solo PDF
Mardiana Puji Lestari, Imaniar Noor Faridah, Rita Maliza, Melinda Widianingrum, Dyah Aryani Perwitasari 338-346
Identification SNP rs5219 KCNJ11 gene and blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients at Moewardi Hospital Surakarta PDF
Nur Aida, Rita Maliza, Imaniar Noor Faridah, Melinda Widianingrum, Dyah Aryani Perwitasari 347-354
The effectiveness and cost of lansoprazole and pantoprazole for stress ulcer prophylaxis in intensive care unit PDF
Mega Octavia, Zullies Ikawati, Tri Murti Andayani 355-365
A 5 year retrospective analysis of adverse drug reactions associated with antimicrobials in a teaching hospital of Andaman and Nicobar islands PDF
Mangesh Bankar, Priyanka Pravinbhai Hotha, Nimisha Elezebeth Zachariah 366-375
Formulations of liposomal vaccine containing AdhO36 antigen and β-glucan as immunoadjuvant PDF
Hidajah Rachmawati, Raditya Weka Nugraheni, Firasti Agung Nugrahening Sumadi, Helmy Yusuf 376-384
Accelerated stability test of snakehead fish and kelulut honey ointment with CMC-Na as a binder PDF
Wintari Taurina, Mohamad Andrie, Nur Firdiena Titian Ratu 385-393
The effect of spray-drying temperature on Centella asiatica extract-β cyclodextrin-maltodextrin nanoparticle characteristics and stability PDF
Aditya Trias Pradana, Roisah Nawatila, Fawandi Fuad Alkindi, Ni Putu Resa Darmayani, Eka Desi Susanti 394-405
Optimization transdermal patch of polymer combination of chitosan and HPMC-loaded ibuprofen using factorial designs PDF
Shaum Shiyan, Misirti Maulidia Anis Marketama, Galih Pratiwi 406-415
Composition of carbopol 940 and HPMC affects antibacterial activity of beluntas (Pluchea indica (L.)) leaves extract gel PDF
Fitra Alvionida, Nanik Sulistyani, Nining Sugihartini 427-438
Antibacterial compound from Euchema spinosum originated from Tasikmalaya West Java against pathogen bacteria with TLC-bioautography PDF
Indra Topik Maulana, Rifa Safira, Inge Aprianti, Livia Syafnir, Reza Abdul Kodir 416-426