Saving Product Using Blockchain for E-BMT Platform

Taufiq Gilang Adhitama, Anggunmeka Luhur Prasasti, Ali Fahmi Perwira Negara


Baitul Maal Wa At Tamwil (BMT) is a sharia financial institution that provides savings and loan services in accordance with the social, cultural, and economic needs of rural communities, especially in agricultural and plantation communities. The current data management is still using manual recording and a centralized server which can cause fraudulent financial reports and creates a lack of credibility between BMT and its customers. The research method is to decentralize the application data system by using blockchain technology, then replacing the conventional database to blockchain system. The simulation shows that the e-BMT application are connected to blockchain network as intended, users can use metamask to interact with the Ethereum network, the blockchain implementation on e-BMT application has run according to expectations with a 100% success rate with the average transfer time on two devices of 9.47 seconds and 12.13 seconds. While the results of data entry time on two devices obtained an average of 9.96 seconds and 37.09 seconds. While the blockchain implementation on e-BMT could provide access to every user so that each entity could confirm the validity of the transactions, the size of the transactions, and other data recorded on the blockchain without having to develop an integrated database system. The research contributes in two aspects, first, we develop the distributed blockchain system using public Ethereum  blockchain network integrated with with popular e-wallet such as metamask, provides easy access for both customers and BMT parties who are connected to the network so that the recorded data can be accessed by anyone, and second, the application of blockchain technology to BMT is capable to interact with users as it is built on a website platform with RESTful API.


Blockchain; BMT; Cooperative; Ethereum

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Copyright (c) 2022 Taufiq Gilang Adhitama, Anggunmeka Luhur Prasasti, Ali Fahmi Perwira Negara

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Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika
ISSN 2338-3070 (print) | 2338-3062 (online)
Organized by Electrical Engineering Department - Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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