This issue was available online in May 2023. All articles in this issue (6 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 16 authors from 1 countries (Indonesia).
Table of Contents
Evaluating factors affecting the readiness of children entering elementary school: the perspective of elementary school teachers | |
Izzanil Hidayati, Meria Susanti, Nila Anggreiny, Yantri Maputra | 1-7 |
The difficulties of elementary teacher education students’ speaking performance: a comprehensive analysis | |
Ramadhani Uswatun Khasanah, Patria Handung Jaya | 8-16 |
Development of flipped classroom learning assisted by interactive media on geometry materials for class V elementary school | |
Syafni Gustina Sari, Yenni Rozimela, Yerizon Yerizon | 17-24 |
STEAM approach to enhance the creativity of students with special needs in inclusive primary schools | |
Siska Angreni, Rona Taula Sari, Fadhilla Mursyafiela | 25-33 |
Improving fourth-grade students’ reading numerical notation using melodica through a directed learning method in elementary school | |
Uliy Elma Fadila, Sularso Sularso | 34-42 |
Puppet Hizbul Wathan as a media to introduce and strengthen leadership character in elementary school students | |
Luqman Nul Hakim, Fitri Puji Rahmawati | 43-52 |