The Use of Attention-RNN and Dense Layer Combinations and The Performance Metrics Achieved in Palm Vein Recognition


  • Indriani Indriani Widyatama University
  • Yenie Syukriyah Widyatama University



Palm vein recognition, Deep learning, RNN, Attention RNN, Dense Layer


The utilization of palm veins in vascular biometrics is widely recognized, offering significant potential and challenges for advancing individual recognition technology. Deep learning has played a crucial role in enhancing the accuracy of these recognition systems. In this study, we proposed combining Attention-RNN and Dense Layer. To validate this proposed method, three deep learning model scenarios were implemented: (1) a combined Dense Layer with RNN, (2) an Attention-RNN model, and (3) a combined Attention-RNN with a Dense Layer for palm vein recognition. Experimental results demonstrated that the Attention-RNN combined with the Dense Layer achieved the highest accuracy, outperforming the other two models. The model’s performance was evaluated on two datasets, achieving 95% accuracy on the Kaggle dataset and 83% on the CASIA dataset, confirming its effectiveness in palm vein recognition.


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How to Cite

I. Indriani and Y. Syukriyah, “The Use of Attention-RNN and Dense Layer Combinations and The Performance Metrics Achieved in Palm Vein Recognition”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 12–26, Mar. 2025.




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