Detection of Eight Skin Diseases Using Convolutional Neural Network with MobileNetV2 Architecture for Identification and Treatment Recommendation on Android Application


  • Ainul Furqon Nurul Jadid University
  • Kamil Malik Nurul Jadid University
  • Fathorazi Nur Fajri Nurul Jadid University



Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), MobileNetV2, Mobile, Object Detection, Skin diseases


Skin diseases are common in Indonesia due to the tropical climate, high population density, and low public awareness about skin health. These diseases are often caused by infections, chemical contamination, or other external factors and typically develop internally before becoming visible, with contact dermatitis being the most frequently reported condition. To address this issue, this research proposes the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with the MobileNetV2 architecture, to detect eight types of skin diseases, namely cellulitis, impetigo, athlete's foot, nail fungus, ringworm, cutaneous larva migrans, chickenpox, and shingles. MobileNetV2 was chosen for its efficiency and high accuracy in mobile applications. The methodology involves developing a detection system using CNN MobileNetV2, integrated into an Android application to identify skin diseases and provide treatment recommendations. The dataset was collected, labeled, resized, and normalized to meet the model requirements. After training, the model was tested using a separate dataset to ensure its generalization ability and was finally integrated into the Android application. This application allows users to detect skin diseases and receive treatment advice directly. The research results show that the CNN MobileNetV2 model achieves high accuracy in classifying the eight types of skin diseases, with stable performance over several training epochs. Evaluation of the test dataset revealed an overall accuracy of 97%, with high precision, recall, and F1-score for all disease classes. The application achieved an accuracy of 84% on general data, demonstrating its practical utility. However, the need for real-time updates of treatment information was identified as a limitation. This research advances skin disease detection technology and improves public access to accurate healthcare services. Future studies should focus on real-time treatment information updates and expanding the range of detectable diseases to enhance skin disease application.


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How to Cite

A. Furqon, K. Malik, and F. N. Fajri, “Detection of Eight Skin Diseases Using Convolutional Neural Network with MobileNetV2 Architecture for Identification and Treatment Recommendation on Android Application”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 373–384, Jul. 2024.




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