Interactive Solar System Learning Media Using the Raspberry Pi 3B
Mochamad Fajar Wicaksono, Myrna Dwi Rahmatya, Syahrul Syahrul, Sri Nurhayati
The current learning solar system process uses solar system props. This research aimed to create an interactive solar system learning tool for elementary school students. With this tool, students can learn about the planets in the solar system in learning mode. In addition, there is a question mode to test students' knowledge abilities. This research's contribution was to provide an engaging way for sixth-grade elementary school students to learn about and recognize the planets in the solar system. The method used in this research is the experimental method. The primary part of this system is the Raspberry Pi. In this tool, there are two modes: learning mode and question mode. The learning mode involves the input button for eclipse mode and the LDR sensor as a trigger for activating the DC motor and reading solar system material using gTTS. The question mode involves a question bank on the web application, gTTS for reading questions, and speech recognition for processing answers given by students. The teacher can add, change, or delete questions and learning materials through the web application. The test on the learning tool is 100% successful. In learning mode, the device can read input from the LDR sensor and provide sound output, and in question mode, the device will ask questions, receive answers in voice form and then process the response based on program scenarios. On the other side, Based on UAT results from 20 sixth-grade elementary school student, 95.14% of student agreed that solar system learning media and quiz features make the learning process more engaging, easy to use, help students understand solar system material, and can be used as a learning tool.
Solar System; Raspberry Pi; gTTS; Speech Recognition; Learning Media
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Copyright (c) 2023 Myrna Dwi Rahmatya, Mochamad Fajar Wicaksono, Syahrul Syahrul, Sri Nurhayati
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