Fiber Optic Attenuation Analysis Based on Mamdani Fuzzy Logic in Gambir Area, Central Jakarta


  • Yuliza Yuliza Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta
  • Ninda Sari Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta
  • Rachmat Muwardi Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta
  • Lenni Lenni Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta
  • Yosy Rahmawati Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta



Attenuation, Fiber Optic, Indihome, Interference, fuzzy mamdani,


In this study, the authors conducted an analysis of the quality of fiber optic network maintenance based on attenuation value and maintenance time using fuzzy Mamdani logic and simulated using Matlab software, to improve accuracy in drawing conclusions on maintaining quality. This study uses a quantitative method, in which the author obtains a summary of customer data from PT. Telkom Indonesia in a period of 4 months of observation from August to November 2021. In August there were 776 customers, in September there were 362 customers, in October there were 359 customers, and in November 445 customers who underwent Indihome fiber optic cable maintenance. The test results with the centroid method with an input Handling Time of 1.5 hours and an Attenuation of 15 dB, then the output Repair Quality is 5.5 or categorized as Good. The greater the attenuation value generated, the more time it takes to maintain the IndiHome internet network disturbance. This is due to the many technical maintenance of fiber optic cables carried out by technicians to adjust for damage/trouble in the field. It is expected that maintenance can be carried out routinely in order to avoid fatal internet disturbances on the customer's side, and maximize maintenance time according to the dosage determined by the company, which is less than 3 hours, taking into account the work performance of technicians and also the quality of maintenance.




How to Cite

Y. Yuliza, N. Sari, R. Muwardi, L. Lenni, and Y. Rahmawati, “Fiber Optic Attenuation Analysis Based on Mamdani Fuzzy Logic in Gambir Area, Central Jakarta”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 610–620, Dec. 2022.




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