Evaluation of IoT-Based Grow Light Automation on Hydroponic Plant Growth





Internet of things, Grow light, Hydroponic, Real time clock module, T-test


This research aims to design, create, and evaluate a hydroponic automation system by monitoring the quality of plant growth that uses LED grow lights and natural light conditions on hydroponics. Checking whether the proposed system has a significant effect on the box Choy hydroponic growth is also an important aspect and becomes the contribution of this paper. The contribution of this paper is by discussing in detail the automation of LED grow lights using RTC modules and relays while also discussing the significance of LED light performance in hydroponic growth. On the proposed hydroponic automation systems, light-feeding is done automatically, this can be carried out with the help of a real-time clock (RTC) module and relays. Furthermore, the monitoring function is carried out through temperature and humidity measurement sensors. The data obtained from the sensor will be stored in the database for research on plant quality. The results of a comparison test show that the LED grows lights are superior in terms of fresh weight, the number of leaves, and plant height respectively with an average value of 23.6 grams, 11.2 leaves, and 18.1 cm on the 30th day. Compared to sunlight, respectively with an average value of 20.2 grams, 9.3 leaves, and 17.1 cm on the 30th day. PDF calculation and t-test are used to calculate the growth significance. The results are that the H0 for fresh weight and leaf growth rate is rejected and the H0 for plant growth rate is not rejected. It can be concluded that the LED grow lights give a significant effect on the fresh weight and leaf growth rate of IoT-based box Choy hydroponics if compared to sunlight.


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How to Cite

Y. Prasetia, A. G. Putrada, and A. Rakhmatsyah, “Evaluation of IoT-Based Grow Light Automation on Hydroponic Plant Growth”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 314–325, Sep. 2021.




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