About the Journal

Journal title Jurnal Psikologi Terapan dan Pendidikan
Initials JPTP
Abbreviation J. Psikol. Terap. dan Pendidik
Frequency Two issues per year
DOI Prefix 10.26555 by
Online ISSN 2715-2456
Editor-in-chief Dr. Aulia M. Psi, M. M., Psikolog
Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Citation Analysis Google Scholar| Garuda

Journal of Applied and Educational Psychology (JPTP) is a journal published by Ahmad Dahlan University's Master of Psychology program. Journal of Applied and Educational Psychology (JPTP) contains articles in English. JPTP contains the results of empirical research related to the field of Psychology, including the fields of Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Educational Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychometrics, Experimental Psychology, Applied Psychology, both quantitative and qualitative research.


Current Issue

Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): November
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