Vol 9, No 1 (2022)


Table of Contents


The effect of emotional intelligence on the learning independence of students on distance learning PDF
Desi Nori Sahputri, Rian Vebrianto 1-6
Children's Character Through Learning the Art of Musical Forming PDF
Sritanto Sritanto 7-12
Implementation of “Market Day Every Friday" in instilling the values of entrepreneurship education from an early age PDF
Hairul Huda, Siti Khayisatuzahro Nur, Moh Ubaidillah Al Amin 13-20
The influence of parents' roles and motivation on student achievement in buddhist education subjects at Bodhisattva elementary school Bandar Lampung PDF
Anggi Tri Prameswari, Hesti Sadtyadi, Mirrah Megha Singamurti 21-25
Pedagogical cognitive knowledge in an effort to improve students' cognitive abilities: Systematic literature review PDF
Fitri Rahmadhani, Aldeva Ilhami, Yuni Ernika Saputri 26-31