Obstacle Avoidance using Fuzzy Logic Controller on Wheeled Soccer Robot


  • Noorman Rinanto Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7975-2309
  • Irfan Marzuqi Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Agus Khumaidi Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya
  • Sryang T Sarena Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya




Fuzzy Logic, Soccer Robot, Omnidirectional Camera, Microcontroller, Obstacle Avoidance


The purpose of this study is to apply Fuzzy Logic Controller on a wheeled soccer robot to avoid the collision with other robots in the field. The robot equipped by an omnidirectional camera as a vision sensor, a mini-PC for the image processing device, a microcontroller to handle I/O system, and three wheel's omnidirectional mover system. Omni-camera produces four input-values, namely: X coordinate ball position, Y coordinate ball position, distance and angle from obstacle to the point of interest in the camera frame. These inputs processed by a mini-PC and then forward to a microcontroller to calculate the output using Fuzzy Logic Controller. The output variables are the movement rate of the robot in the X, and Y coordinate.  These outputs will be used by the kinematics controller to manage the speed of three Omni-wheels driven by 24 volts DC motors. The experiment shows a good result with the percentage of the success of the robot catching the ball is around 70% and 80% in avoiding the obstacle. In time performance, the soccer robot with Fuzzy Logic Controller is superior by 4.67 seconds compared to the robot without this method.


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How to Cite

N. Rinanto, I. Marzuqi, A. Khumaidi, and S. T. Sarena, “Obstacle Avoidance using Fuzzy Logic Controller on Wheeled Soccer Robot”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 26–35, Jul. 2019.




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