This issue has been available online since 1 June 2021. All articles in this issue (12 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 37 authors from 15 affiliations and 3 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, and Finland)
Table of Contents
Using the Job Demands-Resources Model to Predict Job Satisfaction of Employees in Indonesia | |
Amirah Widia Adiarti, Dimyati Dimyati | 155-174 |
Sedentary Screen Time as a Coping Strategy of Distance Learning-induced Distress during COVID-19 Pandemic | |
Ghea Mangkuliguna, Mahaputra Mahaputra, Veronika Maria Sidharta, Linawati Hananta | 175-196 |
The Role of Religiosity and Spiritual Meaningfullness towards Cyberbullying Behavior | |
Triantoro Safaria, Khoiruddin Bashori | 197-208 |
Counting Blessing: The Effect of Gratitude Training on Prosocialness among Teachers in Inclusive School | |
ika febrian kristiana, Erin Ratna Kustanti, Salma Salma | 209-228 |
Internal Validation of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale:Rasch Analysis in the Indonesian Context | |
Dimas Aryo Wicaksono, Adiyo Roebianto, Bambang Sumintono | 229-248 |
A Content Analysis of Career Adaptability Among Marine Cadet | |
Wiwik Sulistiani, Dewi Retno Suminar, Wiwin Hendriani, Suryanto Suryanto | 249-274 |
The Role of Knowledge and Attitude of Regular Students to Acceptance toward Special Educational Needs | |
Sheila Putri Fajrianti, Margaretha Purwanti | 275-289 |
Perceived Organizational Support, OCB and Creative Behaviour among Millennial Generation Start-up Employees | |
erika setyanti kusumaputri, sitta Puteri Kumalasari, Sabiqotul Husna | 290-317 |
Perceived ethnic discrimination and school connectedness among adolescents in Finland: Role of family background and sex | |
Isik Zeliha Ulubas, Kaj Björkqvist, Patrik Söderberg | 318-338 |
Mental Healthy Literacy of Teachers: a Systematic Literature Review | |
Padmi Dhyah Yulianti, Endang Retno Surjaningrum, Dwi Yuwono Puji Sugiharto, Nurul Hartini | 339-350 |
Why am I Doing My Thesis? An Explorative Study on Factors of Undergraduate Thesis Performance in Indonesia | |
Surya Cahyadi, Miryam Wedyaswari, Erna Susiati, Rasni Adha Yuanita | 351-375 |
Dark Triad Personality as Predictor of Corrupt Intention on the State Civil Apparatus | |
Widya Wijaya Kusuma Putri, Yusti Probowati Rahayu, Ajuni Arunima | 376-383 |