Table of Contents
The Risk Factor that Affect Children Diarrhea in The Island of Java 2013 (Riskesdas 2013 Data Analysis) | |
Dian Perwita Sari, Budyanra Budyanra | 1-10 |
Is There any Differences of Job Stress Among Correctional Officers Based on Gender in Java? | |
Unika Prihatsanti, Ika Zenita Ratnaningsih, Anggun Resdasari Prasetyo | 11-17 |
Relationship between Stress, Physical Exercise, and Mental Health among Athletes | |
Aida Mehrad | 18-23 |
The Role of Technical and Vocational Training for Entrepreneurship Development and Business Skills in the Boushehr Province Technical and Vocational Training IRAN Aspect. | |
Mohamad Behroozi | 24-33 |
The Life Style amongst Nomadic Tribes of Ivan Kalhor, Iran | |
Aida Mehrad Mehrad, Mahmoud Riyahi | 34-39 |