Table of Contents
Did Trust in Government Induce the Impact of Loneliness and Self-Control on Student’s Compliance during Social Restriction Implementation? A moderator analysis | |
Rahmadianty Gazadinda, Mia Fattah Rizki, Rayi Hamam Azka, Erin Andriani Putri, Margareta Damayanti, Fajar Wahyu Utomo | 1-22 |
Digital Module with the SFBC Approach to Increase the Self Esteem of Cyberbullying Victims | |
Yuliani Pertiwi, Yeni Karneli | 23-43 |
Exploration of Altruistic Behavior in Early Adult Volunteers: A Phenomenological Study | |
Dita Noor Fadhilah, Rin Widya Agustin | 44-57 |
The Effectiveness of Resiliency Training on Academic Stress and Psychological Well-Being | |
Risky Nurlita Maylinda, Rahmi Lubis, Rahmi Lubis, Yudhistira Fauzy Indrawan, Yudhistira Fauzy Indrawan | 58-76 |
Enhancing Students' Self-Confidence via Guided Inquiry and Information Services Intervention | |
Faris Abdurrahman, Neviyarni Suhaili, Firman Firman, Dina Sukma | 77-90 |
The Role of Psychological Capital and Readiness for Change in Rural Tourism: A Phenomenological Study | |
Hana Angriyani Mardika, Bambang Suharto, Dimas Novian Syahputra | 91-113 |
Dissociative Symptoms Among Individuals Affected by Mass Psychogenic Illness: A Study on the Indonesian Island of Nias | |
Michael Seno Rahardanto, Jaka Santosa Sudagijono, Johannes Dicky Susilo, Simon Simon, Nurul Hartini, Rahkman Ardi | 114-132 |
Psychoeducational Film Intervention with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to Enhance Secure Attachment of Students towards Parents | |
Siti Rahmah Tursina, Firman Firman | 133-151 |
The Role of Social Media on Subjective Well-Being of Adolescents: a Systematic Literature Review | |
Ismira Dewi, Taufik Kasturi, Eny Purwandari | 152-169 |
Parent-Child Relationship and Smartphone Addiction: The Role of Self-Control and Fear of Missing Out as Mediators | |
Maria Helena Suprapto, Setiasih Setiasih, Ide Bagus Siaputra | 170-200 |
Struggle Outside Jails: Scoping Review of Impacts and Resiliency Among Children of Incarcerated Parents | |
Ghina Syauqila, Dian Veronika Sakti Kaloeti | 201-224 |
What Do They Do with Their Phones? Teens' Smartphone Use Behavior Post Covid-19 Pandemic | |
Dewi Ilma Antawati, Rinanti Resmadewi, Dafa Revrison Muttaqien | 225-241 |
Not Too Involved but Really Care: Father’s Acceptance Who Have Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | |
Nailul Fauziah, Suryanto Suryanto, Endang Sri Indrawati | 242-263 |
Guiding the Path: Exploring the Contribution of Career-Specific Parenting Practices on Career Decision Self-Efficacy among Vocational High School Students | |
Candra Metta Citro, Ni Putu Adelia Kesumaningsari, Yuan Yovita Setiawan | 264-286 |
Measuring Cyberbullying Levels among Adolescents in Integrated Islamic Junior High Schools in Jambi City: An Implementation of the Rasch Model | |
Riska Amalya Nasution, Meinarisa Meinarisa, Ilham Falani | 287-302 |
Family Support System and Psychological Well Being in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease | |
Merry Tiyas Anggraini, Asyam Baihaqi Alif Antoni, Chamim Faizin, Aisyah Lahdji | 303-323 |