Did Trust in Government Induce the Impact of Loneliness and Self-Control on Student’s Compliance during Social Restriction Implementation? A moderator analysis


  • Rahmadianty Gazadinda Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Mia Fattah Rizki Faculty of Educational Psychology, Department of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Jakarta Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Rayi Hamam Azka Faculty of Educational Psychology, Department of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Jakarta Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Erin Andriani Putri Faculty of Educational Psychology, Department of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Jakarta Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Margareta Damayanti Faculty of Educational Psychology, Department of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Jakarta Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Fajar Wahyu Utomo Ilahiyat Fakultesi, Islam Tarihi ve Sanatlari, Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Universitesi Ankara, Turkey




The mitigation strategy employed in addressing the prolonged pandemic situation in Indonesia yielded a discernment: collaborative efforts between individuals and the government were imperative to achieve the desired objectives. Despite the emergence of numerous psychological challenges among individuals during the pandemic, the pivotal role of public compliance became particularly evident during the implementation of social restrictions. Government initiatives to mitigate risks would not attain optimal effectiveness without substantial support from the public, either through trusting the government or adhering to regulatory measures. This study seeks to elucidate the moderating role of government trust in the impact of loneliness and self-control on students' compliance with social restriction policies during the Covid-19 pandemic. Conducted in early 2022 using a cross-sectional design, the study encompassed 401 undergraduate students from various regions in Indonesia. Employing Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA), the results demonstrated that trust in the government significantly moderated the effects of loneliness and self-control on student compliance (F(6, 403) = 101.017, p<0.001). The findings revealed that students were more inclined to comply with social restriction policies, even when experiencing loneliness, if they maintained trust in the government. This study underscores the significant role of government trust, particularly in situations necessitating cooperative behavior from the public in adhering to policies.

Author Biography

Rahmadianty Gazadinda, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Psychology, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


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How to Cite

Gazadinda, R., Rizki, M. F., Azka, R. H., Putri, E. A., Damayanti, M., & Utomo, F. W. (2024). Did Trust in Government Induce the Impact of Loneliness and Self-Control on Student’s Compliance during Social Restriction Implementation? A moderator analysis. Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 13(1), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.12928/jehcp.v13i1.27423


