Table of Contents
“I Won't Shop Anywhere Else!”: Tokopedia Customer’s Love and Trust | |
Monica Pricilia Angelie, Honey Wahyuni Sugiharto Elgeka, Anton Johannes Tjahjoanggoro | 1-16 |
Can Learning Agility Predict Students’ Academic Burnout During Distance Learning | |
Putri Adinda Novianti, Whisnu Yudiana, Shally Novita | 17-32 |
Psychometric Properties of a Newly Online Work Aptitude Test: Faxtor’s Endurance and Speed Test | |
Whisnu Yudiana, Aryo Bimo Adjie, Nadim Alfan Assa, Anjar Karta Putra | 33-51 |
The Effect of Hope and Self-Efficacy on Employee Burnout | |
Muhammad Fabian Alif, Retno Firdiyanti, Djudiyah Djudiyah | 52-77 |
The Role of Work Engagement as Moderator of Perceived Stress toward Innovative Work Behavior | |
Astika Syafitri, Arum Etikariena | 78-106 |
A Qualitative Study to Explore the Construct of Communication Skills in Middle Childhood | |
Agnes Indar Etikawati, Ratri Sunar Astuti, Monica Eviandaru Madyaningrum | 107-127 |
The Early-Stage Development and Content Validity Examination of Ubaya Vocational Interest Inventory | |
Artiawati Artiawati, Ni Putu Adelia Kesumaningsari, Darmawan Muttaqin, Aniva Kartika, Krismasita Surya Putri, Maria Fransisca Tiara Paramita, Ady Putra, Felix Handani, Alexander Yohan | 128-141 |
Problematic Smartphone Use in Adolescents: Are Parents’ Digital Competence, Parents’ Negative Attitudes, and Perceived Parental Efficacy Important? | |
Arsy Amaryllis Almatin, Shally Novita, Fitri Ariyanti Abidin | 142-158 |
Adaptation of The Career Decision Ambiguity Tolerance Scale | |
Dian R Sawitri, Novi Qonitatin, Ika Febrian Kristiana, Unika Prihatsanti, Kholifah Umi Sholihah, Talitha Lintang Pertiwi | 159-176 |
Empathic Communication Training to Increase Family Resilience | |
Mutingatu Sholichah, Sri Kushartati | 177-199 |
Examining the Levels of Depression among University Students during the Final Assignment | |
Nurhalijah Munthe, Muhammad Putra Dinata Saragi | 200-219 |
Phubbing in Millennial Generation: Influence of Fear of Missing Out and Self Control | |
Balqis Permata Hikmah, Soerjantini Rahaju, Taufik Akbar Rizqi Yunanto | 220-235 |
ADHD among Indonesian Primary School Students: Measurement and Prevalence | |
Supra Wimbarti, Sri Kusrohmaniah | 236-251 |
Online-Based MBSR Group Intervention to Reduce Anxiety and Perceived Stress in Scholars Who Work on Undergraduate Thesis | |
Fionna Gracia, Dini Rahma Bintari | 252-274 |