The Role of Self Acceptance in Mediating The Influence of Gratitude and Social Support on Subjective Well-Being
subjective well-being, self-acceptance, social support, gratitudeAbstract
This study aims to analyze the role of self-acceptance in mediating the influence between gratitude and social support on subjective well-being. The sample criteria are mothers who have children with special needs with a child age of 1 – 12 years. The number of samples used was 102 people. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The instruments used to measure the subjective well-being variables are SWLS (Satisfaction with Life Scale) and PANAS (Positive Affect Negative Affect Schedule), gratitude variables in the form of Gratitude-Questionaire (GQ-6), social support variables using MSPSS (Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support) and self-acceptance variables measured using the Porter Parent Acceptance Scale (PPAS). The data analysis was in the form of mediation analysis with JASP version 18.3. The results showed that self-accepance was proven to be able to significantly mediate the influence between gratitude and social support on subjective well-being. The magnitude of the influence of gratitude and social support on self-acceptance was 63.7% and the magnitude of the influence of gratude, social support and self-acceptance on subjective well-being was 97.4%. This indicates that the role of gratitude and social support with the mediation of self-acceptance in shaping subjective well-being is very large for mothers who have children with special needs. The results of this study are also recommended in the development of counseling guidance science by paying attention to mothers' self-acceptance in order to form good subjective well-being.
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