Study of kinetic and adsorption isotherm of ibuprofen on mcm-41 synthesized with rice husk

Olyvia Azzahra Putri Hartono, Frida Octavia Purnomo, Dyah Ayuwati Waluyo, Tunas Alam, Mohammad Jihad Madiabu


Rice husk is one of the abundant wastes, especially in agricultural countries. Rice husk waste has a
silica content of 95.80%, where the silica content can be utilized to make an adsorbent. One of the
adsorbents that can be made is Mobil Composition of Matter 41 (MCM-41), a material with a
hexagonal structure with a surface area to adsorb ibuprofen. Based on the results of the research that
has been done, MCM-41 synthesized with rice husk has the same characterization results as MCM-41
synthesized with commercial materials tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS). Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectroscopy (FTIR) characterization results show the absorption peak is at wave number 1068.58 cm1 which shows asymmetric Si-O-Si stretching vibrations and at 799.60 cm-1
region is symmetric Si-OSi stretching vibrations. X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterization results show an hexagonal crystal
form at 20 = 20o
. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) characterization results show particle of
2,664 um. Based on the results of the research that has been done MCM-41 synthesized from rice husk
can adsorb ibuprofen with Langmuir isotherm approach and Pseudo Second Order kinetics, and the
maximum adsorbing capacity is 34.48 mg/g


ibuprofen, langmuir isotherms, MCM-41, pseudo second order

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Copyright (c) 2024 Olyvia Azzahra Putri Hartono, Frida Octavia Purnomo, Dyah Ayuwati Waluyo, Tunas Alam, Mohammad Jihad Madiabu

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ISSN Print: 2088-4559 | ISSN Online: 2477-0256
Office: Faculty of  Pharmacy, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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