Genetic Algorithm and GloVe for Information Credibility Detection Using Recurrent Neural Networks on Social Media Twitter (X)




BERT, Genetic Algorithm, GloVe, Information Credibility, Recurrent Neural Network, TF-IDF


Social media, especially X, has become a key source of information for many individuals, but the level of trust in the information spread on these platforms is a critical issue. To overcome this problem, this research proposed an information credibility detection system using a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with the utilization of TF-IDF feature extraction, GloVe feature expansion, BERT word embedding, and Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization. This research contributes to assessing the credibility of tweets related to the 2024 Indonesian election by integrating TF-IDF to identify important words, GloVe to enhance word context, BERT for deeper understanding, and GA is present to optimize RNN performance. The main focus is to provide maximum accuracy by integrating these methods. In this research, the dataset used consists of 54,766 tweets relating to the 2024 Indonesia election and includes relatively equal numbers of credible and non-credible labels. The corpus construction utilized source X with a total of 40,466 data, IndoNews with a total of 131,580, and a combination of both with a total of 150,943. This research conducted six experimental scenarios, namely optimal data split, max features, N-grams, Top-N rank similarity corpus, BERT and GA application. Through these scenarios, the model achieved a significant accuracy improvement of 1.81% over the baseline, reaching an accuracy of 90.60%. This result demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed system by presenting a higher quality of accuracy compared to the baseline model. Moreover, this research underscores the significant contribution of increasing the accuracy of information credibility detection.

Author Biographies

Andi Nailul Izzah Ramadhani, Telkom University

Andi Nailul Izzah Ramadhani, is a final-year student in the Faculty of Informatics at Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia, currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Email:

Erwin Budi Setiawan, Telkom University

Erwin Budi Setiawan, is a senior lecturer at the School of Computing at Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia, with more than ten years of experience in research and teaching within the field of Informatics. Currently, he is an associate professor with research interests in machine learning, people analytics, modeling and simulation, and social media analysis. Email:


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How to Cite

A. N. I. Ramadhani and E. B. Setiawan, “Genetic Algorithm and GloVe for Information Credibility Detection Using Recurrent Neural Networks on Social Media Twitter (X)”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 419–434, Jul. 2024.




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