A Hybrid CNN-SVR for Airfoil Aerodynamic Coefficient Prediction





CNN, SVR, Aerodynamic Coefficient, Airfoil, Prediction


The prediction of aerodynamic coefficients on airfoils using machine learning is increasingly popular due to its efficiency in time and cost. Research typically focuses on a single image type without comparing various types and output quantities (single or multi-output). Although convolutional neural networks (CNN) are widely used, their final layer is often suboptimal as a linear operator, and feature extraction results contain many parameters that can still be trained. Support vector regression (SVR) with kernel functions effectively reduces common errors in feature vectors. We propose a hybrid method, AeroCNNSVR, combining CNN as a feature extractor and SVR as a regressor to predict aerodynamic coefficients on airfoils. This study focuses on the shape and position of airfoils according to the angle of attack (AoA) without considering flow conditions. Using 14533 aerodynamic coefficients from 563 airfoil types, we created a dataset of grayscale and RGB airfoil images. Results show the proposed method with grayscale images performs better because combining SVR strengthens the predictive model, while grayscale images accurately represent the airfoil's shape and position. AeroCNNSVR achieves lower RMSE values for Cl (0.101522), Cd (0.016450), and Cm (0.129661) compared to the CNN model’s Cl (0.112493), Cd (0.019060), and Cm (0.130041). Additionally, AeroCNNSVR's R² values for Cl (0.976071), Cd (0.928700), and Cm (0.860574) surpass those of the CNN model (Cl 0.970620, Cd 0.904282, Cm 0.816355). This research contributes by 1) proposing an alternative besides CFD for predicting and identifying trends in aerodynamic coefficients of airfoils in a much shorter time during the design stage; 2) offering wind tunnel practitioners for early detection of configuration errors; 3) providing an overview of the aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoil under test, including the angle at which stall conditions occur.

Author Biographies

Sunarno Sunarno, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Indonesia

Postgraduate Student at the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia. Working at the National Research and Innovation Agency in the Aerodynamics, Aeroelastic and Aeroacoustic Laboratory (BRIN).

Aniati Murni Arymurthy, Universitas Indonesia

Professor and researcher at Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia. Research interests are Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, and Spatial Data.


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How to Cite

S. Sunarno and A. M. Arymurthy, “A Hybrid CNN-SVR for Airfoil Aerodynamic Coefficient Prediction”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 435–448, Jul. 2024.




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