Master Plan for Electricity Distribution Networks Based on Micro-Spatial Projection of Energy Demand


  • Adri Senen Institut Teknologi PLN
  • Christine Widyastuti Institut Teknologi PLN
  • Oktaria Handayani Institut Teknologi PLN



Master Plan, Energy Growth, Micro-spatial, Transformer, Distribution Substation


The existing method of the Master plan for electricity distribution networks is sectoral and macro-based, which means it is unable to show load centers in micro-grids. The inaccurate and bias results lead to the failure of determining the capacity of transformers, the total of transformers, and the locations of distribution substations, and thus it will complicate the master planning of the distribution network. Therefore, a micro-spatial-based method in electricity master planning is needed, as it will generate more accurate forecasting, energy projection and estimate the numbers of load centers at each grid based on the geographical structure. The research contribution is to produce a master planning of distribution network that will help in determining transformer capacity, the placement of substations and distribution substations, evaluation, and orientation of electricity distribution system development to a smaller area. The results of the load growth become the basis for determining the capacity and the total of transformers in the area. The methodology developed in this research has analyzed the transformer rating, transformer capacity, total of transformers, and the location of transformer with growing energy demand in the smaller range. The results can be developed into the design planning of distribution network systems with better accuracy.

Author Biographies

Adri Senen, Institut Teknologi PLN

Fakultas Ketenagalistrikan dan Energi Terbarukan

Christine Widyastuti, Institut Teknologi PLN

Fakultas Ketenagalistrikan dan Energi Terbarukan

Oktaria Handayani, Institut Teknologi PLN

Fakultas Ketenagalistrikan dan Energi Terbarukan


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How to Cite

A. Senen, C. Widyastuti, and O. Handayani, “Master Plan for Electricity Distribution Networks Based on Micro-Spatial Projection of Energy Demand”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 503–511, Jan. 2022.


