Software Phase Correction Technique for Passive Radar




Passive radar, phase correction, target of opportunity


A traditional radar actively transmits pulses and receive the corresponding echoes. By computing the time taken to receive the echoes the system is able to detect targets and estimate their ranges. However, mainly for military applications, an active radar has a major drawback: it can be detected by the enemy since it radiates electromagnetic pulses. As such, there is currently high research and development activity in the field of passive radar systems. In this alternative scenario, the radar does transmit any signal. Instead, it uses signals already present in the environment, such as TV, radio broadcasts and satellite digital video broadcast as transmitters of opportunity. By measuring the time difference between the signal received by the transmitter of opportunity and the signal echoed by the targets, the radar can detect targets and estimate their ranges. In scenarios which use very low power illuminators of opportunity, such as satellite DVB-S or GPS, relatively long integration times are required in order to obtain reasonable values of signal to noise ratio. This implies that, besides frequency correction, the coherency of local oscillators in the receivers need to be maintained during long time intervals, which can be very difficult. The paper presents a novel phase correction technique for passive radar which uses targets of opportunity, already present in the target area, as references to maintain the coherency of the oscillators for all the integration interval. The proposed methodology is quite simple and enables the use of low-cost hardware with independent oscillators for the reference and surveillance channels which can be geographically distributed. The obtained results illustrate the effectiveness and applicability of the method.

Author Biography

Paulo AC Marques, ISEL-Instituto de Telecomunicacoes

Coordinator Professor - Department of Electronics and Telecommunications


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How to Cite

P. A. Marques, “Software Phase Correction Technique for Passive Radar”, J. Ilm. Tek. Elektro Komput. Dan Inform, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 30–38, Jan. 2021.




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