Reduce stigma for improving the treatment adherence of people with schizophrenia (PWS)

Esty Febriani, Abigael Ati, Danny Setyawan, Citra Fitri, Hartono Rakiman, Shaqina Said, Mivtahurrrahimah Mivtahurrrahimah


Stigma contributes to low treatment compliance in people with schizophrenia (PWS). The Lentera Health Nusantara Foundation researched to determine public knowledge and attitudes toward PWS from March to December 2020 in the Sidoarjo and Ponorogo Regencies in East Java Indonesia, through community surveys (N=180). The result was found that only half of the respondents from Ponorogo (57.8% and 58.9%) and Sidoarjo (58.9% and 58.9%) had relatively good knowledge and attitudes, which shows that there is still a stigma towards PWS in society. Furthermore, respondents in Sidoarjo had a risk of 0.019 times (98.1% lower) of having a bad attitude (stigma) towards PWS compared to respondents in Ponorogo. There is a need for a sustainable and comprehensive strategy involving stakeholders including; health facilities, government, and society, especially those in rural areas, to overcome this problem increase compliance with PWS treatment, and ensure the condition of PWS is stable.

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