Business architecture, TOGAF ADM, ISO/IEC 19796-1, e-Learning, Knowledge managementAbstract
e-Learning and distance learning implementation is part of the Indonesian Government's response to face the industrial revolution 4.0 and the disruption of higher education innovations through the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. -Learning and distance learning implementation in Indonesian higher education must be in line with Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi, and adopt a quality design approach that comes from a good framework. This research offers a design of e-learning business architecture in indonesian higher education that is in line with Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi, Indonesian Higher Education Accreditation, follows the quality framework and approach from ISO 19796 and PDCA cycle, and continuous improvement based on knowledge management. e-Learning business architecture design, carried out using TOGAF ADM approach. The e-learning business architecture design results for indonesian higher education are outlined in 5 parts, which is e-learning business architecture motivation, e-learning business functions and services, e-learning organizations, e-learning business processes, and e-learning business roles and actor.References
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