Table of Contents
Job Satisfaction amongst Academic Staff: A literature Review | |
Aida Mehrad | 119-124 |
Relationship between Adding Value, Trust and Job Satisfaction Based on Teachers’ Perceptions | |
Baharak Talebloo, Sara Kasmaienezhadfard, Masoumeh Pourrajab, Roya Roustaee, Ramli Bin Basri | 125-135 |
Intervention in the Interest of Deprived Elderly People | |
Norbert Vajda | 136-142 |
Rediscovering Rogers’s Self Theory and Personality | |
Nik Ahmad Hisham Ismail, Mustafa Tekke | 143-150 |
Are Organizational Commitment and Compensation Predicting Employee’s Performance? | |
Fatwa Tentama | 151-160 |