Relationship between Sports Motivation and Mindfulness among College Sports Players in Pakistan


  • Najam-us- Sahar Fatima Jinnah Women University
  • Rabia Javed Fatima Jinnah Women University
  • Najam-us- Sahar Fatima Jinnah Women University



The present study aims to determine the association between motivation &   mindfulness among college sports players by examining types of motivation from most self determined (intrinsic motivation) to lowest self determined (amotivation) & its relation to dispositional mindfulness. A total of 120 college sports players served as participants (90 boys & 30 girls).  They filled Sports Motivation Scale & Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale with some demographic information.  The demographic characteristics revealed that most of participants were in team sports (80%) & playing for last 1-5 years (86%). A significant relationship was found between Intrinsic motivation & mindfulness (r = .70**). Regression analysis showed that intrinsic &integrated regulations were significantly predicting mindfulness (63% variance). It is interesting to know that in Pakistani colleges more boys participate in sports even in absence of facilities (coach is available to 35% of participants only). Self regulation & intrinsic motivation can be utilized to promote the well-being of youth with limited resources available. 

Author Biographies

Najam-us- Sahar, Fatima Jinnah Women University

Lecturer, Department of Bhavioral Sciences

Rabia Javed, Fatima Jinnah Women University

Department of Behavioral Sciences


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How to Cite

Sahar, N.- us-., Javed, R., & Sahar, N.- us-. (2018). Relationship between Sports Motivation and Mindfulness among College Sports Players in Pakistan. Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 7(2), 87–103.


