Academic Stress on Structured Internship Students: The Effect of Interpersonal Communication and Friendship Quality


  • Agustin Erna Fatmasari Diponegoro University
  • Niken Fatimah Nurhayati Diponegoro University
  • Endah Mujiasih Diponegoro University
  • Hidayatun Nur'Aini Diponegoro University
  • Megawati Sekar Langit Cahyaning Nagari Diponegoro University



The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of parent-child interpersonal communication and friendship quality on academic stress. This study used multiple regression analysis methods with the SPSS version 26.0 program to examine the effect of Parent-Child Interpersonal Communication and Friendship Quality on Academic Stress in Structured Internship Students. A total of 206 participants were selected using non-probality sampling, convenience sampling. Data collection used three research instruments, which are the Academic Stress Scale (alpha= .957), the Parent-Child Interpersonal Communication Scale (alpha = .922), and the Friendship Quality Scale (alpha= .926).  All hypotheses of this study can be accepted. There is a significant influence of parent-child interpersonal communication and friendship quality both together and separately on academic stress. The results showed that parent-child interpersonal communication and friendship quality influenced academic stress by 10.3%. Parent-child interpersonal communication on academic stress is 14.5%, and the quality of friendship has an influence of 7.2% on the occurrence of student academic stress.


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How to Cite

Fatmasari, A. E., Nurhayati, N. F., Mujiasih, E., Nur’Aini, H., & Nagari, M. S. L. C. (2024). Academic Stress on Structured Internship Students: The Effect of Interpersonal Communication and Friendship Quality. Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 13(3), 1114–1135.


