Effects of Anxiety and Learning Styles on Foreign Language Testing: Case of Work-Study Contract Students






Studies have proved multiple times that anxiety and different learning styles within the FL classroom affect students when they are doing a test. These studies however have not yet observed every different kind of students. With this context, data were collected from 71 work-study contract vocational higher diploma students from EFIATP Correze, France during the 2020-2021 academic years. As a conclusion of this study, it is determined that there are no significant relationships between the FL student anxiety in the classroom, their learning styles and their test Level.

Keywords: FL , foreign language , anxiety, learning styles, test level, work-study contract  students



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How to Cite

MCMILLAN, karine L. (2021). Effects of Anxiety and Learning Styles on Foreign Language Testing: Case of Work-Study Contract Students. Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 10(3), 400–418. https://doi.org/10.12928/jehcp.v10i3.20607


