Social Integration and Attitudes towards the Integration of Immigrants in Relation to Witnessing Domestic Aggression


  • Ingrida Grigaityte Abo Akademi University
  • Karin Osterman Abo Akademi University
  • Kaj Bjorkqvist Abo Akademi University



The association between witnessing domestic aggression and respondents' level of social integration and their proactive attitudes towards the integration of immigrants was assessed with a questionnaire in a sample of the Swedish-speaking minority in Ostrobothnia, Western Finland (n = 298; 208 females and 90 males). The age span was between 16 and 90 years with a mean age of 31.6 years (SD = 13.5). Respondents scoring higher than average on witnessing domestic aggression scored lower than others on the following scales measuring social integration: Access to Social Benefits, Positive Social Relations, and Trust in the Finnish Judiciary System. They also scored lower than others on the following scales measuring proactive attitudes towards the integration of immigrants: (the need for making) Cultural Efforts, Structural Efforts, and Openness to Diversity. They also tended to have a lower level of education than other respondents. The implications of the findings are discussed.


Author Biographies

Ingrida Grigaityte, Abo Akademi University

MSc Ingrida Grigaityte

Developmental Psychology department at Abo Akademi University in Vasa, Finland

Karin Osterman, Abo Akademi University

Docent Karin Osterman

Developmental Psychology department at Abo Akademi University in Vasa, Finland

Kaj Bjorkqvist, Abo Akademi University

Professor Kaj Bjorkqvist

Developmental Psychology department at Abo Akademi University in Vasa, Finland


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How to Cite

Grigaityte, I., Osterman, K., & Bjorkqvist, K. (2021). Social Integration and Attitudes towards the Integration of Immigrants in Relation to Witnessing Domestic Aggression. Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 10(4), 556–577.


