The Development and Validation: The Scale of Subjective Well-Being for Mother (SSWB-M)


  • endang prastuti Faculty of Psychology of Airlangga University
  • endang prastuti Airlangga University
  • Mareyke Maritje Wagey Tairas Airlangga University
  • Nurul Hartini Airlangga University





The objectives of this study were to develop the Scale of Subjective Well-Being for Mother (SSWB-M), and to examine the psychometric properties of SSWB-M that have been developed. The results of this study show that The developed Scale of Subjective Well-Being for Mother (SSWB-M) consists of The Scale of Life Satisfaction in Family Domain (SLS-FD) and the Positive and Negative Affect Scale in Family Domain (PANAS-FD).The Scale of Life Satisfaction in Family Domain (SLS-FD) showing a match with chi-square = 147.190 (p = 0.118), GFI = 0.881, AGFI = 0.805, CFI = 0.984, TLI = 0.977, and RMSEA = 0.039 describes a good goodness of fit. Overall reliability has a high value of Alpha Cronbach coefficient, which is 0.892, and composite reliability of 0.984. Positive - Negative Affect Scale in Family Domain (PANAS-FD) shows the results of evaluation of fit model  with chi square = 46,450 (p = 0,332), GFI = 0,925, AGFI = 0,886, CFI = 0,995, TLI = 0,994, and RMSEA = 0,028 describes that the goodness of fit is good. Overall, on PANAS-FD have the composite reliability is 0.950, and the Alpha Cronbach is 0.763. The Scale of Subjective Well-Being for Mother (SSWB-M), the two sub-scales have high validity and reliability, therefore it can be used to measure subjective well-being in young mothers.


Keywords: Development, validation, SSWB-M



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How to Cite

prastuti, endang, prastuti, endang, Tairas, M. M. W., & Hartini, N. (2018). The Development and Validation: The Scale of Subjective Well-Being for Mother (SSWB-M). Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 7(2), 118–138.


