ASEAN, China, TBI, Product MappingAbstract
This study analyzes the comparative advantages of Indonesia's defense industry products against ASEAN-4 and China in the context of the ADIC (ASEAN Defense Industry Collaboration) collaboration. The data used is data from 10 defense industry products taken from UN COMTRADE using the 4 digit HS classification so that 248 commodities were analyzed. The measure of comparative advantage used is the Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA), while to determine whether the country is a net-importer or net-exporter, the Trade Balance Index (TBI) is used. Finally, the authors combine the two indices of comparative advantage to draw a mapping of Indonesia's defense industry products for each ASEAN-4 country and China. The analysis shows that most of Indonesia's export commodities (net-exporters) and comparative advantage are still primary products. While some products that have advantages over one country are primary cells and primary batteries and electrical materials (8506), roter or spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines (8407), vending machines for goods (postage, food or beverage) including exchange machines. money (8476), Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles of cast iron (7303).References
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