Hasna Hayati Nur, Dyah Suryani


Background: Sausage was a snack with raw meat, crushed meat preserved by salting. Nitrate
and nitrite salt is one of the preservatives used in meat preservation process to obtain good
color and prevent microbial growth. Nitrite as a preservative permitted its use, but keep in mind
its use in food in order not to exceed the limits, so it does not negatively impact human health.
Permenkes Republic of. 1168/Menkes/Per/X/1999 about food additives limit the maximum use
of the preservative nitrite in processed meat product that is equal to 125 mg / kg. Excessive
consumption of nitrite can cause harm to the wearer, whether they are direct, ie poisoning, or
who are indirect, ie nitrites are carcinogenic. The purpose of this study to determine the content
of nitrite in sausages at sausage distributor in the city of Yogyakarta in 2011.
Method: The study was descriptive research laboratory test. The object of this study were 5
brand sausage sausage found in a different distributor. Nitrite content analysis conducted by two
stages of testing, the test qualitative and quantitative test. Qualitative test performed to
determine whether there is content of nitrite in sausages by using reagents sulfanilat acid-?-
naftilamina, while the quantitative tests conducted to determine the levels of nitrite contained in
the sausage with a spectrophotometer. Data analysis results of research done descriptively and
are presented in table and narrative.
Results: The study of five brands of sausage on the distributor in the city of Yogyakarta shows
that all brands of sausage samples containing nitrite with nitrite levels varied.
Conclusion: Of the 5 brands of sausage samples studied, the results showed that one sample
had higher levels of nitrite that does not meet the requirements under Decree No. Permenkes.
1168/Menkes/Per/X/1999, namely the brand sausage sample E with higher levels of nitrite of
211.294 mg / kg.
Keywords: Analysis, sausage, nitrite

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Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat 
ISSN 2620-2999 (online) | 1978-0575 (print)
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Kampus III UAD
Jln. Prof. Soepomo, Janturan
Yogyakarta 55164, Indonesia
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