Posisi matahari pada saat ekuinoks, summer solstice, dan winter solstice di observatorium ilmu falak Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
Abstrak. Selama satu tahun, Matahari tidak selalu berada di daerah khatulistiwa, namun terkadang berada di daerah utara khatulistiwa serta daerah selatan khatulistiwa. Kedudukan Matahari di khatulistiwa disebut ekuinoks, kedudukan Matahari saat berada di titik terjauh di utara dari khatulistiwa disebut solstis musim panas (summer solstice), kedudukan Matahari saat berada di titik terjauh di selatan dari khatulistiwa disebut solstis musim dingin (winter solstice). Matahari di Observatorium Ilmu Falak Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara menunjukkan posisi yang berbeda saat ekuinoks, summer soltice, dan winter solstice. Matahari terbit di arah timur dan terbenam di arah barat hanya terjadi pada saat ekuinoks. Meskipun saat ekuinoks, namun Matahari tidak dapat menunjukk arah timur dan barat sepanjang hari. Hal ini disebabkan pergerakan Matahari tidak tegak lurus terhadap horizon melainkan miring sesuai dengan lintang tempat.
Kata kunci: summer sosltice, winter sosltice, ekuinoks
Abstract. During one year, the Sun is not always in the equator, but sometimes it is in the north of the equator and the south of the equator. The position of the Sun at the equator is called the equinox, the position of the Sun when it is at its farthest point north of the equator is called the summer solstice, the position of the Sun when it is at the farthest point south of the equator is called the winter solstice. The Sun at Obervatorium Ilmu Falak Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara shows a different position during the equinox, summer solstice, and winter solstice. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west only at the equinox. Even at the equinox, the Sun can't show east and west all day. This is due to the movement of the Sun not perpendicular to the horizon but tilted in accordance with the latitude of the place.
Keywords: summer sosltice, winter sosltice, equinox
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