Pengembangan lembar kegiatan peserta didik berbasis Thinking Actively in Social Context (TASC) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mencipta pada peserta didik SMA
Telah dikembangkan LKPD berbasis Thinking Actively in Social Context (TASC) untuk mengetahui kelayakannya terhadap kemampuan mencipta peserta didik. Jenis penelitian pengembangan ini mengacu model ADDIE. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo. Hasil analisis data yaitu: (1) Validasi LKPD berbasis TASC dari tiga validator mendapatkan 3,45 dengan kategori cukup baik dan uji reliabilitas sebesar 81% dengan kategori reliabel. (2) Tanggapan peserta didik terhadap LKPD berbasis TASC ada uji coba terbatas dalam kategori sangat baik dengan persentase 84% dan uji coba luas 78% dengan kategori baik. (3) Peningkatan kemampuan mencipta pada peserta didik tinggi, hal ini ditunjukkan dari besarnya nilai normal gain 0,70. Berdasar data di atas, LKPD berbasis TASC dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif bahan ajar Fisika di SMA.
It has been developed based on Thinking Actively in Social Context (TASC) LKPD to determine the feasibility of students' ability to create. This type of development research refers to the ADDIE model. The study was carried out at 1 Public High School Purworejo. The results of data analysis are: (1) Validation of TASC-based LKPD from three validators to get 3.45 with a fairly good category and a reliability test of 81% with a reliable category. (2) The response of students to the TASC-based LKPD is that there are very good limited trials with a percentage of 84% and a broad trial of 78% with good categories. (3) Increasing the ability to create in high students, this is indicated by the magnitude of the normal value of gain of 0.70. Based on the data above, TASC-based LKPDs that are feasible are can used as an alternative teaching material for highschool Physics learning
Kata kunci: Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik, Thinking Actively in Social Context (TASC), Kemampuan Mencipta
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