Jurnal Informatika Vol 14. No 3 contains 5 articles that were authored/co-authored by 11 authors from 2 countries (Indonesia, and Pakistan).
Table of Contents
Well-Known brands recognition by automated classifiers using local and global features | |
Hafsa Niaz, Usman Raza | 76-82 |
Application to predict the new student’s score using time series algorithm | |
Sinar Nadhif Ilyasa, Husni Thamrin | 83-89 |
Content-based recommender system architecture for similar e-commerce products | |
Ari Nurcahya, Supriyanto Supriyanto | 90-101 |
Association pattern of students thesis examination using fp-growth algorithms | |
Ika Arfiani, Herman Yuliansyah, Tia Purwantias | 102-111 |
Mobile e-detection of Banyuwangi’s citrus fruit maturity using k-nearest neighbor | |
Chairul Anam, Solehatin Solehatin | 112-118 |